Turning off the book of faces


Photo by Sarah Bowers

Following on from my post a couple days ago I decided to remove Facebook from my mobile phone. And I really do feel already that I am feeling the benefits of it. OK if I HAVE to find something then there is always the phones in built web browser but already I am feeling less need to look at the darn thing.

As for other social networks, I do take the odd peek at Instagram , but twitter I have little to no interest in, I post stuff to it, but seldom take much interest in it any further.  It does appear to be a pool of total negativity and hate with a large dollop of fake information and frankly not somewhere I want to be.  

Social media was for a time a useful tool for musicians and creative types, but these days it appears far less use, it can add to anxiety and the whole Fear of Missing out syndrome and if I was to add up the number of shows I have done based on using social media I wouldn’t even say 10% came in this way. The old school of making calls or speaking to promoters and bands directly, usually face to face has always been the best way.

My friend and all round good egg Emily pretty much summed it all up brilliantly on her recent Vlog that I would urge you all to take a look at.


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